A obra de leitura extensiva oferecida no Bridges 11 é o conto Making a Difference, de Nalat Phanit. Esta autora é uma jovem americana com vontade de mudar o mundo e contribuir para a melhoria das condições de vida das populações.
Analisámos diversas obras e a nossa escolha recaiu sobre este conto, que concretiza a continuidade entre o manual de 10º e o de 11º ano, já que recupera temáticas aí abordadas, faz referência direta a pessoas ou assuntos debatidos no ano anterior e alude a todas as matérias trabalhadas no Bridges 11.
Pedimos a Nalat Phanit para fazer a apresentação do seu conto, porque achamos que nada melhor do que as palavras da própria autora para vos dar conta das suas motivações e objetivos.

"When I was contacted by author Celeste Simões to have "Making a Difference" be part of the Bridges course book, I felt that my story’s purpose was being realized. "Making a Difference" was originally part of a collection of short stories written for my capstone project during my graduate studies. The purpose of these stories is to provide educators an introductory tool in engaging their students on the topics of water and sanitation issues, environmental justice, and voluntarism. It’s an honor and exciting for "Making a Difference" to be part of an active teaching and learning framework. Hopefully, discussions about and around the story will inspire youths in becoming environmental leaders in their communities.
For those fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go to college, they are faced with the decision on which areas of study they want to focus in. Choosing a topic can be daunting, especially when your future depends on it. Parents try their best to steer their children on a path to success, but sometimes, even parents do not know what is best for their children. When I was applying to several colleges, trying to figure out which areas of study I would excel in or have the greatest potential to lead to a successful career, pressure from family and friends shaped my decision. In hindsight, I did not make the decision based on what I truly wanted. That’s because the one question that I could not answer for myself was “what am I passionate about?”
Pursuing a passion is fulfilling. Life just seems better when I have a goal in mind, a dream to reach for, a purpose. Volunteering for several organizations exposed me to various people, industries, and challenges. Learning about global water and sanitation issues shaped my passion in environmental communications. "Making a Difference" is a story that is true to my heart. Sometimes, helping those in need can help you learn about yourself and what you want out of life. Even if the practicalities of life derail you from your passion, it never goes away. You just need to uncover your passion and take a leap of faith."
Nalat Phanit
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Making a Difference
| Enviado Por: A Equipa

Leitura extensiva
| Enviado Por: Joana de Sousa

Leitura Extensiva
| Enviado Por: Alexandra Duarte

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